Friday, December 19, 2014


I was at the store the other day and happened to pick up a box of Christmas greeting cards which caught my eye. 

 I'm always checking out the ones that have Nativity scenes on them, but this particular style also had a verse by Thomas Nelson.  Have no idea who in the world who Thomas Nelson is, but by his words it was definitely apparent that he understood Christ's role as the Son of God and why He came to earth.  This person is probably not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with additional knowledge that the Restoration brought to us, but still he knew the promises to the world because of Christ as our Savior and Redeemer the way they are taught in the Bible.

I have also been impressed over the years as I learned the words to our tradtional Christmas Carols that those writers also had a testimony of Christ's divinity and his place in our salvation.  These were common facts for centuries that most people today either do not know or relegate to a category of much less importance or not even true.  

Consequently, I am heartened by evidence that truth still pops up in a celebration that has become so secular over my lifetime, even, that there is little mention of this miraculous gift of love to the whole world that one wonderful night more than two thousand years ago.

The card reminded me of that terrific little video at which was introduced on November 28th for this Christmas Season's initiative to help us invite people to discover, embrace, and share God's sacred gift to the world.

Long ago, one silent night,
God revealed His glory bright;
His own image came to man
For salvation's matchless plan.

Jesus, Savior, Shepherd, King--
Lord of all to you we bring
Praises, wonder, thanks, and love
For this gift from God above.

The following greeting was inside the card:

Remembering you this Christmas and praying your celebration brings a heart full of joy
as you remember God's amazing love shown through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Now THAT was a greeting card worth purchasing--but I didn't.  The box cost $12, if I remember correctly, and I thought about the half dozen boxes at home that I still have available for use in future Christmas celebrations.  So, I walked away with only the verse and the sentiment committed to paper and my memory. That was enough.  It had gladdened my heart.


1 comment:

  1. I loved that Christmas video too! Such a great representation of how that night must've felt. And the true meaning of Christmas.
