Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Happy Birthday to me!  Wow!  I was one of those young people who thought of 70'ish people as OLD and DECREPIT!  Well, the ones I knew at that time were.

However, I never did get plump as I expected to do like the mature women I was acquainted with when I was a kid, and now I don't think I really look like an almost septuagenarian. Instead, I am pretty much a poster child for the Silver Sneaker generations.

It's been a wonderful life--with a couple of really BAD bumps along the way.  And the other rocky roads I've encountered over the years have usually given way to a smoother highway until the next road "under construction", which I am sure will continue in the same manner until my foot hits the brake.

Thank you to all who have made my life really worthwhile.  I know I am a person that looks at the world through a glass that is half-empty, but what's left in the bottom half of that glass has been some really wonderful elixir. 



  1. Happy birthday Momma! Just so you know, I've been up-to-date on reading all of your blogposts. I just haven't been up-to-date on commenting. So I will do so now... It's difficult to do on the phone.
