Tuesday, January 6, 2015


“God does not contradict Himself. He did not create man and then, as an afterthought, impose upon him a set of arbitrary, irritating, restrictive rules. He made man free—and then gave him the Commandments to keep him free.”                                                                                                           Cecil B. DeMille, Director of the 1950's movie The Ten Commandments
Shared this quote with the sisters on the no-contact list I write the Visiting Teaching letter to each month.  The January lesson is about Christ's attribute of Obedient Son. 
I found this while I was looking for a Bruce R. McConkie quote.  I think it is profound--and soooo simple to understand. 
Laws and commandments don't limit us--they give us freedom!


  1. We were just having a very similar conversation with the kids the other night. When they commented that they are never grounded, we replied that it was because they consistently make good choices. Keeping commandments helps us be free! Love it. Thank you!

  2. A message that is repeated and represented over and over in the scriptures. And something I've seen in my own life. So greatful for a living Heavenly Father!
