Sunday, December 7, 2014


Notice how different the upstairs bedroom looks now that it's been converted to a space for the elder missionaries in our ward.  Burgandy also helped me put a small secretary desk in the loft so they would have a place to study.

It's been about a week now since the missionaries moved in. I saw them briefly the first night and I left the next morning before they were up and about.  I got home late last night, and they were still up working in the loft.  They are both from Idaho.  One has been out a little over a year, the other one only since summer. 

 Boy!  What a difference a year makes!  Louis and I noted their comparative immaturity to the missionaries before, even when they were brand new but also noticed how much better prepared, dedicated to the work, and diligent they are in their study and performance than those seven years ago.  They also ride bikes rather than drive a car.

The room doesn't look at all like this NOW.  They've done something with the stool for the chair, the bedding is in a heap, and some of their clothes are hanging from the cold air return vents near the ceiling.  I try not to glance in that direction if the door is open when I go up to the computer.  

Other than that I have already enjoyed hearing them moving about upstairs and visiting with them briefly as we cross each others' paths in the house.  It shouldn't be a long three months at all. 

 Now that the hard work of preparing the room is over, I am glad for this unique opportunity to support missionary work as the gospel floods the earth.  I know our little bit of assistance here is just as important in its own way as are the more spectacular events associated with missionary work that other members do.


  1. I would love love love to have the missionaries stay with us. I wonder if we'll ever have the opportunity. In the meantime, we'll just get our little Mack prepped for his 2 years of service. Hope you enjoy the unique service you get to provide.

  2. I would not love having the Elders live with us. I'm happy to have visitors...not long-term guests. But maybe I'll feel differently in the future. Great job on the rooms!
