Monday, May 2, 2022



I’m sure you have probably noticed, as I have, an almost relentless attack on religious freedom that is sweeping the whole earth.  I find it disheartening, and almost scary sometimes, when I hear the rhetoric leveled at people who believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of all people everywhere. These growing attitudes seek to remove religion and faith in God everywhere.  Unfortunately, they are becoming more and more the norm.

And that rhetoric is not just denigrating Jesus Christ, but it is striking the whole landscape of religious freedom.  The freedom to worship, to assemble together to worship, to speak freely about our beliefs and to act on those personal beliefs, and lastly the freedom for others to do the same.  

It seems that the general tenor now is “I get to do what I want and what I believe is right, but YOU don’t get the same privilege because you don’t believe the same as I do.”  A study of history reveals that attempts to curtail religious liberty didn’t begin in the 21st century.  Down through the ages, people of faith have suffered mightily at the hands of others.  But it is not what God intended for us.

During the April 2022 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I felt encouraged when Elder Ronald A. Rasband spoke plainly about this common scenario which so violates our God-given agency. 

Then he listed the following four ways society and individuals benefit from religious freedom.

1.   Believers can express devotion to God by worship of Him and willingness to serve His children.

2.   Expressions of belief, hope and peace are fostered.

3.   Believers perform simple and sometimes heroic acts of service.

4.   It acts as a unifying and rallying force for shaping values and morality.

Elder Rasband then went on to say, “The good of religion, its reach and the daily acts of love which religion inspires only multiply when we protect the freedom to express and act on core beliefs.”

 He then invited us “to champion the cause of religious freedom”.  Acting on that invitation becomes our personal expression of the God-given principle of agency. 

I accept that invitation, and hope that you will, too.  We are only each one person, but we can each make a difference in preserving our religious freedom.  I know we can!

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