Friday, May 20, 2022


 I recently began a new job.  There is no financial remuneration, but it pays so much in the form of spiritual remuneration I think I will keep it. Trouble is I just don't like being the newest person on the shift team.  That makes me feel awkward.

From now on, I will be at the Fort Collins Temple serving as an ordinance worker on Wednesday mornings, first shift which begins at 6:30 a.m. and is completed at noon.  Wednesday morning temple attendance was my go-to time anyway.  Why not make it count?  So, I did.

It was kind of a tough decision for me to make.  I didn't feel like I was on a par with the women I see who serve there.  But then I thought the same thing when I went to work at United as a Flight Attendant.  I figured EVERYONE was better qualified than I was.  

Maybe they were.  Maybe they weren't.  But at United, and then again at the Fort Collins Temple, I decided I probably wouldn't be the best, but I wouldn't be the worst either.  And I'm not.  Amazing how I have already learned so many things--that I didn't know I already knew.  Hopefully, a year from now I will look back and chuckle at what a little mouse I was in the beginning.  Just have to keep remembering, I won't be a "newbie" forever!

Here's to yet another "season" in my life...

This is how I see the temple when I arrive at 6:30 a.m.
with the sun shining on the east side.
It's a great place to work!

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