Thursday, January 29, 2015


Louis accepted a position as Controller at Computer Sites Inc., a construction company which builds computer rooms for businesses.  He begins Monday and is excited for a new challenge and opportunity to use the skills and talents he has been able to build on at Colorado Ranchers and other places he's worked over the years.

I am not unaware of the font of our blessings--and another silver lining, though the job is still an hour's commute away--and am grateful for answers to prayers.  Ours and those offered in our behalf.  Plus, I know it didn't hurt any to have the missionaries living with us at this time.

Missed only two weeks of pay, so all is right with the world once again!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! Trials are great when you're on the other side, looking at your growth. But it's nice too when you don't have to endure them for too long.
