Wednesday, December 11, 2019


I've been following the LIGHT THE WORLD prompts every day to do my share in serving others in a unique way this Christmas season , much as Jesus Christ did as he went about doing good during His ministry on earth.  Don't know if what I have done has touched anyone else's life, but I feel better about reaching out to others in small, simple ways that even I can handle.

Today the prompt was to call your parents and tell them you love them.  No can do!

My mother and father died within three months of each other in 1984 when I was in my 39th year. They've been gone nearly half of my life.  There are still many days, however, that something will happen and I think, "I need to tell Momma that." Or "I can't wait to tell the folks!"  And more  now that so many years have passed, "I wish I could talk to my mother.  She would understand and give me insight."  Or just have her put me on her lap and rock me (even as a big girl)  because I know that would comfort me more than anything.

All of that is not possible at this time, but I can still give a shout out in tribute to my parents and the blessings they were in my life--though I was often too stupid to see some of the positives at the time stuff happened.

I find myself quoting my dad's advice to me from my choice of shoes to the gentle reminder that my college roommates and friends might NOT believe the same as I did even though they were members of the same Church.  My mother's examples of homemaking and organ playing are just two of the myriad ways she influenced me, most of the time without saying anything directly but by my just observing and watching what she did.

I don't know if this blog qualifies as social media, but I am using it today to say, lovingly and sincerely...

Hello, Mom and Dad!  I love you!

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