Thursday, November 29, 2018


QUESTION:  Is there someone in your life who has inspired you to care more about the community and global issues?

ANSWER:  No.  None of the rhetoric that blasts the media has done anything for me but be turned off by the strident--and often--inaccurate reports that scream from the internet and the news.

About the only awareness for these issues that I have had in my life has come from the gospel of Jesus Christ and the ministering opportunities that my local congregation has afforded me to serve or the individual efforts I have made to "minister" when I feel a personal inspiration to do so.

I pray.  And at times I add my "Widow's Mite" to the other reservoirs of "mites" to assist in local, national, and international crises.

I guess by pretty much all "standards" out there, I am UNCARING.  UNFEELING.  And PRIVILEGED not to have been impacted or even touched by the disasters so prevalent in the world.

Does that make me a BAD person?

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