Sunday, September 30, 2018


Schuyler, Abbey, and Jeremy were in town for several days in July.  As luck would have it--or rather as United would have it--I had to fly TEN of the days they were here.  But on July 31st, I didn't have to leave for DIA until late afternoon.

We arranged for me to meet them at the temple after I played the organ for the 8 a.m. session.  

Lynette brought Orion and Briggs, too.  I wasn't baptized that day, but Schuyler did the Priesthood work for the baptisms and confirmations.

What a great day!  Twice this summer in the temple with my grand was a nice family experience!

Jeremy on the left, Momma G, Orion, and Briggs
Oh!  the sun was SO bright that day...

And what a treat to be in the temple with Schuyler again.  
I don't get many opportunities to do that either.

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