Thursday, December 21, 2017


Got up about 5 am Sunday morning to go on my walk and was surprised that the little mist in the air at midnight when I got home from DIA  had become a sheen of ice on the ground.  I got about four blocks from home and decided to turn around and go back before I slipped and fell.  Don't want to be out of commission before I hit the retirement road!

I went, oh so slowly, to the chapel for my 7:30 a.m. Ward Council meeting and saw that the back parking lot where I go into the building for both the RS room and the Primary room was absolutely nothing but sheer ice.  But, I was the only car and safely navigated into a middle parking spot, leaving just the right amount of space on either side of the car.  One of the priesthood brethren opened the chapel door for me and cautioned me to be careful.  Didn't need that advice, I already knew that in my Sunday shoes it was going to be a flat-footed walk.

An hour later when I was in the Primary room getting everything in readiness, the song leader came in laughing.  She looked at me and said, "I hit your car!"  I thought she was joking! NOT!  She was seriously telling the truth.  The impact sent my car into the next parking spot and creamed the left front bumper and headlight on her Honda Accord.

So, now I have an appointment tomorrow to get the bumper replaced.  With these new cars, it's not just a dent--it's the whole section.  Oh, well.  It wasn't "hit and run", and my insurance doesn't have to cover the bill.  It could have been worse....and, though it is inconvenient for me, the car is still drivable in the meantime. 

The best news is that I'm not even mad. 

I once did some seriously expensive damage to Lois and Dale's car--with their kids in it--while I was babysitting them for the weekend when Lois and Dale went on a little trip with Marie and Keith to Denver. Even though I am sure Dale wasn't feeling so great about what had happened when they got home that Sunday night and heard the news, he never, ever scolded me for that HUGE bump of adolescent carelessness that could have even resulted in personal injury to their kids.

I learned a huge lesson there.  Consequently, ONCE IN A WHILE, I can take the high road and not go berserk over something that has already happened and can't be changed.  This was one of those times.

It must be the Christmas Spirit!  On day 17 of Light the World, it was "meet together oft."  Guess THAT was one way to meet.  HAHAHA!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad it wasn't worse! Grandpa was the best at not scolding. So were my parents. I wish I had learned that a little more. I find myself giving my kids lectures all the time and then remember that we turned out just fine by not having all our mistakes pointed out. Merry Christmas!
