Friday, January 6, 2017


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

I was set apart today by President Max E. Lehman, 1st Counselor in the Fort Collins Temple presidency, to be a volunteer service person.  My first responsibility will be as chapel organist prior to the Endowment sessions, and second, to assist in the temple office with any clerical work such as recording ordinances and transcribing the Prayer Roll recording.

President Lehman called me the other night and said he had my name in front of him as consequence of information submitted by my bishop and stake president as recommendation to be an ordinance worker.  I told him I had left my name with the temple secretary in reference to any organ volunteer program the temple might be putting in place because I had played the organ at the Denver Temple.  However, since I still work full time, and have a very erratic and irregular schedule as a flight attendant with United Airlines, I am not in a position to have a regular calling as an ordinance worker until I retire.

President Lehman was okay with that. Told me to come in on my day off this week and he would set me apart as a volunteer.  He also told me he had only seen one woman ever play the organ--once--but that whenever I was available I could come in and play the organ. 

Today during my meeting with him, he told me that since I wouldn't be playing probably more than 30 minutes to an hour when patrons were in the chapel, he would put down on my information sheet that I would also be able to assist in the office for the other amount of time I was there. And...if the baptistery were especially busy, I would record ordinances there, as well. 

It was a very good visit.  The blessing President Lehman gave me underscored my willingness to serve and share my talent in building the Lord's Kingdom here...that it takes all kinds of different work to accomplish that.  Then he told me to become familiar with Chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel and study in depth--as the missionaries would, over time--how I can better develop Christlike Attributes. He said that temple work means a lot of scripture study.  That there are wonderful promises directly connected to temple service but the key is scripture study and becoming more like the Savior.

I'm beginning to feel more comfortable at the Fort Collins Temple now.  I have been every week except one since the opening after the dedication in October.  I have attended Endowment sessions.  And I have done a lot of Initiatory work.  There is a need for a LOT of people in Initiatory, and sometimes I am the only person so I am allowed to do far more names than the few we were allotted at the Denver Temple. 

The procedures are different in some ways than the Denver Temple.  Far more relaxed, like there is no set way to fill up the chapel or even leave to go to each of the instruction rooms once we are ready to begin.  My counselor, who is an ordinance worker on Wednesday nights with her husband, tells me they don't have to stand the whole time they are assigned to the Celestial Room or the Grand Hall or the entrance either.  They can sit even if there are people in there.  Plus, Jana's favorite, they can cross their legs at the knees instead of only being able to cross their ankles when they are sitting. 

Still a lot of new beginnings for a great many of the ordinance workers learning the blessings, etc.  There are a ton of nervous people!  And a lot of starting over to get it right.  So, that takes longer.  Also, each of the instruction rooms holds 76 people, so just dealing with that many more people takes longer, too.  That's why there aren't as many sessions during the day.  Last week I was in the very extreme corner of the very back row--the very LAST person to go through the veil.  It seemed weird to have all the workers standing in line waiting until the last patron (ME) left for the Celestial Room.

Anyway, I now have directions to visit with another temple matron--her husband  is the 2nd counselor in the temple presidency.  Sister Stock knows the temple organ and will show me how it works.  I'm sure it is way more sophisticated than our chapel organ, though probably the same kind. Allen.   But the Stocks live in Wyoming and weren't at the temple today.  (President Lehman explained how they rotate so only two of the presidency and matrons are there every day.)

I am looking forward to my new assignment.  In the beginning I will have to coordinate my days off so they align with the days the Stocks are at the temple so I can be instructed.  Maybe my opportunity will be the beginning of a modest volunteer program for other organists who would like to participate in the temple that way, too.  I always thought it such a special privilege to serve the Lord by playing prelude music in the temple.  It has a profound effect on setting the stage for a wonderful temple experience for those who are doing Family History work for their own family names as well as for those who are doing names in the temple file.

It had been snowing lightly for two days.  But because it had also been so cold, everything looked more like it was dusted with white.  However,when I came out of the temple it was snowing hard.  The ground was covered with a white blanket that literally covered everything and made the temple grounds and the surrounding fields look so pure and lovely! 

But I can assure you, there was NO blue sky today!  It was pure snowstorm!  And that was okay, too.  I knew I was in a safe place, and I would get home without incident.  And...I did!

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