Friday, January 20, 2017


I don't care what side of the fence you were on during this last election, but today was occasion to be a proud American.  It was the Inauguration of Donald Trump as 45th  President of the United States.

I'm not a TV junkie who sits and watches stuff like this for the minute by minute detailed coverage of the event.  I usually find it boring and would rather read about it in the paper.  I've got better things to do than experience something second hand.  And since I would never be there in person, it would definitely be a second hand experience.

But.... Call it curiosity.  Call it sentimentality.  Heck, you can call it old age.   I watched this historic culmination of one man's journey to Washington.  Here was a man  NEVER  having held any kind of public office accept the responsibility of the HIGHEST OFFICE of the land to govern over 300 million people in this country.

I'm not saying I like or approve of some of the things Donald Trump has done and said.  I prefer conservatism, personal integrity, and public courtesy myself.  But, I am willing to give the guy his opportunity to lead the country.  And, it didn't hurt, for me, that he THREE times referenced God in his inaugural speech to our country: 1) God as our protector, 2) when God's people live in unity,      3) that we all have life by the same Creator.  And then he closed with "God bless you and God bless America." 

I am hoping that wasn't just penned into his address by his speech writer to make things sound good.  However, if we as Americans accept the challenge each of us has personally to make America great again, I believe we will certainly invoke the blessings of heaven as we repent of past transgressions as a nation.

Truthfully, it was the ceremony and the pomp relative to respect for the Presidential Office that made me feel patriotic today.   I loved seeing the historic traditions, some of which began when George Washington went to New York to be sworn in as the first president of the United States.  Washington used a Bible for his swearing in.  President Trump used TWO Bibles, the one Abraham Lincoln used and the one his mother gave him in 1955.  The Continental Army followed George Washington to New York.  Hence, representatives of the military were on display today.  My favorite was the fife and drum corps dressed as Revolutionary War soldiers.  President Trump is the Commander in Chief.  I liked to see him salute the military as they saluted him.  All that sent a thrill through me.

I wasn't happy to see so many in the crowd still protesting and raising angry voices against what they feel was a stolen victory from the popular vote.  Or, the many agendas brandished about on posters that huge pockets of people feel are not being addressed to their satisfaction.  Then I remembered.  Oh, yeah!  We're STILL a free country.  People can protest with vigor and malice without fear of reprisal or punishment.  That's a good thing!  We are definitely a very blessed people!

And the flags....!    Red, white and blue hanging on the front of the Capitol Building.  Bouquets of them springing out of windows and lining the streets as the Presidential Cavalcade slowly made its way to the White House. .We do have a beautiful flag! 

Just seeing all of them and the various branches of the military in their dress uniforms brought tears to my eyes. Even the solemnity of the Secret Service men walking alongside the limousine for the President's safety added to the ceremony.  I am glad I have this occasion now in my memory.

Yes, God bless America!  And help me to make America great again!

PS  I was totally impressed with the modest and simple powder blue coat/suit Melania Trump wore for the ceremonies.  With matching gloves, even!  Very tasteful.  No sleeveless....yet!

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