Thursday, August 29, 2024



I've been going through stuff down the basement--a little bit at a time, as it is SO overwhelming what I have tucked away through the years.  

I found this list in the small box of Jeremy's things I saved.  Things which were important to Jeremy when he was alive.  I think the list might have been a project his Primary class did for a Mother's Day gift.  I'm guessing this was a year or so before he died.

I enjoyed reading what he wrote and got a kick out of his spelling, as well as the reasons he came up with that he thought I was a great MOM.  A few of the reasons are pretty generic, but I can tell he put a lot of thought into what he listed.  

Number 13--I had recently made drapes for the bedroom he and Schuyler shared.  He thought they were cool and liked them a lot.

Number 12--Though he was outgoing and in the thick of things at home with five siblings, when he was away from the family, he was kind of shy.  We had talked about what he could do to make friends at school.

I think the first reason says I help him obey.

In all, this was a pretty nostalgic find for me.  We only got to have Jeremy with us for 10 short years.  And now that 37 years have gone by since he fell out of that old Cottonwood tree, it was a loving reminder from the past about a cute, blond headed, freckle-faced boy with the most beautiful deep blue eyes who ran and played and rode a bike--and climbed a tree.

Someday I will see him again.

That will be a #1 BLUE RIBBON award, for sure!

Jeremy’s list of great things about Mom—from a Primary class, probably during third grade.               

He also drew a #1 Blue Ribbon Award on the page.

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