Monday, August 7, 2023



Today is 23 years since I boarded a plane for Chicago to embark on a totally new career as a flight attendant for United Airlines!

What a complete about-face that was, but it was one of the best things I ever did.  I can't even begin to measure the blessings and growth that came to me as I learned about life in a whole different arena.

I am thinking about how I had no idea what was before me when I got to United's training center to begin that chapter in my life.  If I'd had any inkling what a challenge it was going to be in a lot of ways, I might not have been brave enough to pack a bag and wave good-bye.  Glad I didn't know!

Definitely, I wish I could remember the names of all the people I rubbed shoulders with.  But there were so many! Sometimes when I read my trip journals from that period of time, I see a glimpse here and there of someone I would have liked to have had an opportunity to form a solid friendship.  But that was just for a moment in time.  And for the memories.

It's hard to believe I have now been retired for three years as of this day, too.  Twenty years in a nice little package. Twenty years of memories.

It was a gift!

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