Friday, June 30, 2023


Over the years I have had my share of good neighbors who assisted me with yard work, loaned stuff to me, helped me get into my garage when the spring on the opener was broken, righted my Christmas tree when it fell over, and lots of other little gestures that relieved me immensely at the time I needed some help.  In short, these neighbors were genuinely friendly and willing to lend a hand any time the need arose.  Be they bidden by me or proactive on their own initiative, I have been blessed many, many times.

So, I was particularly interested when I read the experience of a man who wrote about how his neighbor was always there for him.  He recounted some of those experiences, including one where the neighbor helped him with a huge project in his back yard because the man's son wanted to have his wedding reception there.

On the occasion of the story I read, there had been a big snowstorm where the two men lived.  The author thought he would shovel his neighbor's walks and driveway as a kind of reciprocal gesture. However, when he went out of his house, his neighbor had already shoveled his own walks, AND he had shoveled the author's, too!

John P. Rich, the author of that story I read in the April 2023 Liahona Magazine, went back into his house and wrote this little poem.  It's not great poetry, but it conveys a stirring message about the personality of his neighbor, President Russell M. Nelson.


 I’ve seen sermons in stone

And sermons in flowers

Sermons that take minutes

Sermons that take hours

But I’ve just seen a sermon

Delivered in labor

That showed me perfectly

How to be a good neighbor

John P. Rich

Sunday, June 18, 2023

REFLECTIONS from a Sunday afternoon....

 I spent the afternoon perusing slender little journals of all sorts that I have written in over the past few years.  I like to do this now and then on Sundays when I choose to do--and read--different kinds of things from what I engage in on the other days of the week.  It is one way I can show my personal sign for honoring the Sabbath day.

One of those journals I reread today is titled "Oh, Happy Day", which my walking buddy Natasha gave me on my 75th birthday.  It is a little book of reminders to write down kindnesses from others, fond memories of varying experiences, an opportunity to express pleasure in simple everyday things, and a myriad of other subjects designed to help the reader/writer look outside the box for just a few minutes and jot a short thought.

Today, in addition to some long-forgotten entries, I found a quote about joy.  President Russel M. Nelson continually reminds us that we can find joy in any circumstance in life.  I know this is true, as I have found joy in singular experiences during some of the toughest times of my life.  In fact, I keep a little silver token on my bathroom counter that says simply, JOY.  A good reminder that there is bound to be something joyful during the course of my day.  And there usually is--when I keep my eyes wide open.

Here is a quote by David Steindl-Rast I particularly liked from this little journal.  It accompanied a suggestion to write something that a loved one had done for me lately--noting who it was and what they did for me.  I attest these are the kinds of things that bring joy.  Gratitude is a powerful attribute to make that happen.

It is not 


that makes us


it is 


that makes us