Monday, January 17, 2022


Momma G and Nichols Grand People, minus one,
at Sweetbriar
Thanksgiving 2021

The Nichols Kids--now parents in their own right
Thanksgiving 2021

January 17, 1969

It was 53 years ago today that the Nichols Family came into being!  An auspicious day that will always be counted as a very special occasion--a prelude to a multitude of highs, lows, and every gamut in between.

Though the big picture playing in my life right now is not the result of the screen play I wrote so many years ago, still there are plenty of things that make this day award winning:

    --Six terrific and outstanding people came along and became known as "The Nichols Kids"

    --Opportunities to live somewhere else four different times in the 1980's, with our house in Arvada, Colorado, standing at the ready for our return from Virginia, Sweden, Upstate New York, and West Berlin

    --Vacations and road trips that ran the broad spectrum of family reunions in Wyoming to touring the Alps, the fjords, navigating Eastern Bloc countries before THE WALL came down, amusement parks that were legend, and experiencing the splendor--and the ordinary--of storied places in Europe and America

    --Friends and acquaintances from all over the world

    --Missions, college, employment, dreams dashed and          dreams come true, and marriages which brought in-laws          just as ten exceptional grandchildren for         Momma G

    --And LOVE--lots of it!

Is it any wonder then, that instead of lamenting what might have been, I celebrate what we were and what we became.

Happy BIRTH  DAY to a terrific family!  What would I do without the blessings so generously bestowed upon me in the last five decades, plus, since the Nichols Family's humble beginnings?

I would be poor indeed...!

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