Saturday, February 27, 2021


When I began this blog adventure a few years ago, I was excited to share my thoughts, feelings, experiences, and observances.  I set a goal for myself to write at least two blog entries a month.  I was pretty faithful to that ambition, except for a couple of months when my work schedule was really hectic with little time to sit at the computer.  

I have recently noticed that no one reads my blog entries any more.  Even one or two hits from my family was enough to satisfy my communication via this avenue.  But it has been discouraging as I have gone back and reread some of the the essays I wrote and see no one is interested in reading them.  I'm not sure why many other people have such a following (I never set my sights on THAT kind of blog experince).  I simply wanted to be in touch with a few readers who enjoyed hearing some little tidbits about a person out of their everyday circle who is just a "regular Jane", no special celebrity--or anyone for that matter--who has an "agenda" she is pushing.

Now I find that my excitement to sit down and write something has waned.

Then again, perhaps my life has dried up since I have retired and there is NO interesting thing happening in my little corner of the world.  I no longer sit at the computer and compose--except for Seminary for which I spend hours and hours every week....studying, preparing, and presenting religious education lessons at 6 am on school days to the high school students in our congregation. 

So, I am asking myself:  "Do you have writer's block--or is there just really nothing to say?"

I guess time will tell....


 When my kids were growing up we had a party for EVERY holiday there was.  And that included the minor ones like Flag Day, Veteran's Day, and Presidents' Day, as well as other more notable holidays.  A whole Family Home Evening was dedicated to learning just why we celebrated that holiday with fun games to commemorate the day.  And, of course, treats that reflected the occasion.  I wanted my kids to know it wasn't just a three-day weekend we were celebrating so we could have a school recess and giant sales at the stores.

Well, my kids grew up and those fun times are fond memories of the past.  But the other day when we celebrated Presidents' Day (NO SEMINARY THAT DAY!) I reflected again on why  the holiday was designated in the first place.

According to an online source, "Presidents' Day is a significant holiday for a number of reasons, the bulk of which correlate directly to concepts of American unity and nationalism. The holiday shifted from being specifically about George Washington to celebrating all presidents, a decision made to create a broader recognition of all the leaders of our beloved United States of America."

So, I decided to read a little bit about some of those men elected to the highest office in the land.  

One very moving article was about a vision George Washington had about three significant events in our country's history.  Two of which had already happened with the Revolutionary War and our complete break with England.  The third was on the horizon. Though the vision did not specifically name the Civil War, that was the strife to which it alluded.

I read again Lincoln's famous "Gettysburg Address", just 273 words in a message that stands as an affirmation of this country's destiny. 

 "...  that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Immortal words that will forever stand the test of time.

And I read a simple statement by Ronald Regan which underscores the Christian ideals we pray for in a nation that has seen a lot of recent turmoil.  

"Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, leave the rest to God."

I feel great gratitude for the United  States.   I HAVE lived abroad, and though our residences in Europe were wonderful in so many ways, still there is something about America that is a testament to its divine origins and providence.

Thank you to those who served as our country's president--whether they were popular or not.  The office has to be daunting in so many ways.  I'm sure it takes a certain courage to face each day as the President of the United States.