Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Briggs. Momma G and Orion in front of the Fort Collins Temple
June 19, 2018

Finally got to do something I have wanted to do for a long time....go to the temple with some of my grand people to do baptisms for the dead!  That happened last Tuesday.  After I played the organ for the 8 a.m. session, I went to the baptistry to join Orion and Briggs.

Lynette has helped them work on their goal each to do 100 baptisms this summer.  That means going to the temple once a week to each do 15 names.  (An added bonus is that Orion will be taking care of our yard on their way home each week after the baptisms!  He asked if he could do it as a service.  A big boon to Louis who is struggling with his back right now.)

When Lynette told me about their goal and invited me to join them or go to lunch or just watch them any week they were there, I said I would like to connect with them on those Tuesdays that I don't have to fly.  I had just located a very removed, removed cousin through Family Search and wanted to begin her work.  This was a perfect opportunity!

So, last week I began the work for Mary Coolidge with her baptism and confirmation.  The Baptistry workers asked if I could do additional names, as well.  Of course!  Some Young Men priests were there to perform the baptisms according to the new guidelines for their participation at the temple.

It was a great morning, and I was happy to be in the temple with Briggs and Orion.  And I am very grateful that Lynette has assisted them in seeing the importance of service in the temple and making sure it happens.  I appreciate her testimony of the gospel, her example to them and Jason, and her love for Orion and Briggs as their step mother.

This is what MINISTERING is all about!

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