Monday, February 12, 2018


I received the following text this morning from Burgandy.  Out of the clear blue....and this is all it said. 

I don't remember the occasion she notes, but this message couldn't have come at a better time as I was feeling pretty down before I read it.   Just thinking about a lot of things that are either not going well or that still have to be surmounted in the next few weeks. 

Her words recall one of just a handful of good parenting moments I had over the years.  But it was enough....

Life is full of surprises!  And this early Valentine was one of them which made a glad heart.

Thanks, Burgandy!

One day when I was driving the blue truck (and I still wasn't good at driving a clutch), I was turning off Leyden Road onto 80th.   There was a steep incline, and a car was behind us.  I was so scared that I was going to roll back into them, I may have been yelling out of frustration.  But you were calm and encouraged me that I could do it.

Every time I feel like I can't do somethings, that day always comes to mind. Thank you for that day of patience and encouragement!

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