Sunday, November 6, 2016



The weather has remained absolutely phenomenal for the past month.  This is really the first and ONLY Autumn Season I can remember in all my time in Colorado--nearly 50 years now since 1968--that there hasn't been at least one hard frost before November.  Or even a skiff of snow on those rare years we actually HAD an Autumn. 

But this year has been exceptional.  Though most of the trees have lost their leaves, the grass isn't really brown (and some lawns are still lush green) there are still flowers blooming in the gardens.  I have gone out twice now in the last two weeks to round up the dead plants, empty the garden containers, and even put the lawn furniture away.  I have come back in without having accomplished my goal because so many flowers are still blooming.  I've just rearranged the pots and watered the ones which needed a perk. 

All of the patio furniture has been cleaned and is in the garage, shrouded for next summer.   Except for the metal chaise lounge which I folded and left out "just in case" I might get an opportunity to sit on the patio one last time. 

That one last time was today.  We had our Regional Video Conference at 10 am- noon at our stake center across from the Temple.  I had been kind of bummed about having to attend a SECOND stake conference after our "real" one in September, but it was a very spiritual and uplifting meeting.  I don't remember any details about the last one we had, but I definitely felt good about this one.  As we walked to the car, the day was just brilliant and "feel-good", especially with the temple in view.  A definite combination of sun and Son.

So, I decided today was the day I was going to sit outside for one last time.  AND kill two birds with one stone while I was out there.  Since I wasn't able to watch the special "Teaching in the Savior's Way" broadcast yesterday because I wasn't anywhere near a place I could tune in  even on my tablet, I figured why not sit outside and enjoy concurrently both the lingering ambiance of the back yard and the spiritual insight to the Savior's unique way of teaching . 

Truth be told, I had to wrap up in a blanket because even though the temperature was over 70 degrees, the back of the house was already in shadow, and the wind was chilly.  Reminded me of growing up in Wyoming.  Chill wind even on a summer's day that would make a jacket and even a blanket welcome.  But once ensconced in a little cocoon before I pushed "play", all was well and I was comfortable.  What a great way to attend a meeting!

Daylight savings time is over.  The sun will be gone in another thirty minutes, but right now the slant of light is still warm and buttery as it comes in the front windows.  Cold has been forecast for tomorrow.  Does that mean snow is just around the corner?  I suppose so.  One day soon, I'll get up and see everything covered in white.  It will be a shock, as that first storm always is, but it will also be more seasonal.  And then we can get on with our late year agendas.

Next it will be over the river and through the woods....but not to this grandma's.  I am scheduled to fly Tuesday through Saturday of Thanksgiving week.  Boo Hoo!

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