Thursday, June 30, 2016


Louis was working up at the computer last Saturday on Family History stuff for Church the next day when he glanced out the window and noticed the yard was full of flamingo silhouettes. He mentioned something about it when he went to bed.  I had NO idea what he was talking about.

Sunday morning I got up and while raising the blinds by the dining room table saw a flock of paper flamingos positioned throughout the front yard with a big sign in the middle pronouncing, "YOU'VE BEEN FLOCKED!"    They were dripping wet.  The sprinklers had turned on about four-fifteen and watered the front lawn first.  The birds had withstood the shower, so they weren't made of flimsy paper.

 Is this the new tee pee-ing?  Is this some kind of brotherhood we are now part of?  Is this even something we want to be part of?  The neighbors next door on the right had a party Saturday night.  Lots of people.  Lots of noise.  Lots of time spent playing games set up in their garage.  Was the flocking part of that?  And if not, the flockers were pretty bold to do it with so many people milling around right by our front yard.

Ward Council was later that morning and I was going to ask the Relief Society president who is my friend--and the mother of teenagers--what it was all about. I forgot.   Brittany was here visiting with her two kids (soon to be three year old Ro and six month old Pippa) and I thought it would be cute to take Ro's picture out in the yard with the birds.  She didn't know about the meaning of it.  But we didn't get around to pictures until after Church when Ro posed for the camera in our aviary. 

Then I texted my friend. 

GEORGIA:  I meant to ask you in Ward Council who might have "flocked" us with a yard full of flamingos.  Is this something the youth do now?  And is it because they like us? Or NOT like us?
I've had my yard tee-peed many times when I had teen age boys.  And that is AWFUL to remove from a yard!

EMILY:  Hahaha.  Being flocked is a sign of respect and love!  but I don't know who did it!  I know that some sports teams do are loved!

GEORGIA:   Keep your ear to the ground as to who might have loved us that much!  I'd love to know....

We ate supper.  We relaxed in the back yard until it was bedtime, the I asked Ro if he would like to go and help me take the birds off the lawn.  We went around to the front of the house--and the yard was empty!  The flamingos had disappeared just as mysteriously as they had appeared.  It was still bright light outside.  The neighbors across the street were still on their driveway visiting with another couple two houses down.  They had been there visiting when I had gone out to water the flowers on the front porch an hour earlier--when the flock of flamingos was still there.  Now the Florida natives were gone.

Another of my friends came after Britty had put the kids to bed.  She brought some darling flannel blankets for Pippa.  So, I asked Autumn.  She said they had been flocked last year.  No, they didn't know who had flocked them, but the idea was to take the flamingos and flock someone else. 

If I had known THAT, I would have gathered them earlier.  Again, the flockers were bold.  This time bright daylight and more neighbors outside.  Who are these bird people?

Ah, sweet mysteries of life.....

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