Sunday, January 17, 2016


I was sustained as Primary President in the Carlson Farm Ward today.  When the bishop called me to this position a month ago following our beautiful Christmas Program in Sacrament meeting on December 20th, I was very surprised.  A calling like this certainly wasn't on my horizon, having just celebrated my 70th birthday and still actively flying for United Airlines with no retirement in eminent sight.

But I figured what the heck--and why not?  Sometimes it's good to have mature, experienced grandmothers in organizations that are usually peopled by young and middle-aged women.  After all, we older women must have learned a thing or two in our previous lives.  Besides, the General Primary Presidency are grandmothers, too!  I am in good company. 

The bishop reassured me he and his counselors were in full agreement, though in the beginning when my name came to them they kept putting it aside.  I think the Lord has confidence in me and in my ability to help the ward children learn the gospel and particularly come to know this year that the scriptures are true.  I have a testimony of that myself.  I can help them gain a testimony of it, and in turn they will strengthen my testimony even more.  I am sure of it.

It has been over 30 years since I was Primary president--my tenures before (including Sweden and Saratoga Springs) were bookended by the youngest and the oldest.    I began serving in a Primary presidency when Harold was an infant--no Primary aged children--in the old Denver First Ward.  The last time I served as Primary president was in the Arvada 5th Ward  when Britty was a baby. I will finish serving this time as Primary president on the opposite end of the spectrum from the first time--again no Primary aged children.  I picked two women as counselors who have also served as president or counselor in other ward Primary organizations.  They will lift me where I am weak, and I will do the same for them.  We will be a good team.  Some of my best friends in this life have been women who have been my counselors in Primary over the years.

Today is the 47th anniversary of that very wonderful day in which the Nichols Family came into being on January 17, 1969.  I can't think of a better way to celebrate that day than with a new chapter in my book of life!

1 comment:

  1. Serving in Primary is a blessing. I'm so excited for this new calling. I, too, have made some amazing friends from those with whom I have served. My biggest challenge with primary was always staffing. Not fun. And now, my preferred calling is in nursery (with a great co-teacher). Enjoy!
