Friday, July 31, 2015


Only wrote one blog in June.  Kind of lost interest for awhile, but I still have that bug to express myself whether anyone reads the stuff I write or not.

I have noticed that since I quit writing the Newsletter a year and a half ago, my writing skills have atrophied somewhat.  It is more difficult to organize my thoughts and convey my feelings than it used to be.  Another evidence of what you don't practice, you lose.  So, I have recommitted to writing one or two items a month, just to keep my writing skills from getting rusty.

I am in Miami now and my layover is shrinking fast as I have to get up at 2:45 a.m. Eastern time in order to leave for Newark and then on to Rochester tomorrow.  However, I just want to mention a really special trip Louis and took this month to Columbus.

Louis' younger brother Barry, whom I had never met, was diagnosed with brain cancer in February.  Long story short, in trying to get him some help Louis called on the ward in whose boundaries Barry resides in Columbus.  The bishop sent the missionaries over to visit with him, and after being instructed by them Barry asked to be baptized as he was the only one in Louis' family who did not join when Louis did.  

Here is a person who chose a life totally contrary to what we believe and have been taught, but who remembers the plan of salvation as their mother taught it to them long before the missionaries knocked on their door.  Barry recognizes his mistakes.  He freely expresses regret for poor choices.  But he is confident the Lord loves him still, so he is now seeking a place "on the other side".  

This is what the Atonement is all about.  The Lord loves a meek and humble heart, the people who have no pretentions that they are better than they really are.  Those are the genuine people who acknowledge the Savior's role in their eternal life.  Barry knows he can never be anything without that atoning gift.  He believes it can be for him, too.  I was impressed with his testimony and his sincerity.

We took him with us to the Indianapolis Temple Open House on Saturday the 18th where we met Schuyler and Abbey and Jeremy.  It was a HOT! HUMID! day, but the beauty and simplicity of the temple reminded me that the temple is the focal point of ALL families.  That is where we became united forever--so let me invite all of you again to not leave your chair empty in our family circle.  Jeremy--and all those others who have gone before--are organized in families, too, and are waiting for us to complete those family circles with the choices we make every day.  I love you.  I want to be together with you.  Please renew your own determination to keep us together.

PS--we also drove down to Cincinnati the night before and spent some time with Schuyler and Abbey and Jeremy.  Louis hadn't seen their house, so they gave him the grand tour then we all had dinner together.  

The next day after the open house, we went to the Indianapolis Zoo and the Indy 500 Raceway.  As a final celebration for a great experience,  we stopped for ice cream before going our separate ways to Cincinnati and Columbus.  

Louis and I then attended Barry's new ward on Sunday before leaving for Denver.  They had already been nurturing Barry and were very welcoming to us, as well.

It was another tender mercy as far as my work.  Though I had to suffer through a "READY" Reserve month (and they called me EVERY time just about 2 am for my current assignment), it was my SECOND choice.  Unheard of in nearly 15 years at United.  It was a schedule that had eight days off smack in the middle of July.

They used me constantly before the vacation and every day after the vacation, but those few days in Ohio were really great!  However, I was not sorry to come in from my last July assignment on the 29th and know I no longer had to sleep with the phone by my bed, even though it meant I had to start my first August assignment early the very next day.  

I have had so many tender mercies with my work "fitting into" what I need to do.  I have only to remember to have faith that if I turn things over to the Lord, they may not work out the way I have in MY mind, but as he can see the end from the beginning the solutions HE comes up with are always doable!  

See you here at the Blogspot in August!

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