Monday, November 24, 2014


Those "Men of God" will be rising up at Sweetbriar soon.

The Elder missionaries will be staying with us in their next rotation from December 2nd through the end of February.

Looking forward to it, but have had to clear out all of the files, bedding, and "living" I have put into the upstairs bedroom since the last Elders left over seven years ago.  Tomorrow we will bring up the twin beds and take the double bed back down to the basement.

Things will be willy-nilly down the basement for a while until I can get a handle on where to rearrange boxes, etc., to the best advantage because last time I didn't have the tread mill down there taking up that space where we put the double bed before.  It will just seem awkward for a while until I get used to a different set-up.


  1. Good for you for taking the missionaries in. Bad for me since I won't be able to visit until March. Boo-hoo-hoo! Maybe we really should do a "barn-raising" in your basement?
