I like to listen to "Music and the Spoken Word" while I am walking on Sunday morning. But I am always a week or two behind the broadcast since I walk long before that program airs at 9:30 Mountain time every week.
This is MY take-away message which I heard for the March 5, 2023, broadcast. I thought it was worth repeating.
A wise six-year-old once said that you can have a "NO problem day", but you can't have a "NO problem life". What a good little observer!
It doesn't do any good to keep a running count of sunny days and rainy days, tallying up good days and bad days. Happiness doesn't depend on the absence of problems. Problems are always going to be there. They are the STUFF of life!
Instead, we would do well to think of SEASONS in our lives. Seasons of both rain and sunshine.
When we keep a larger perspective, we know for sure that the cold which accompanies the beautiful winter white will soon turn into the brilliant sun and warmth of summer. The same is true of stress and pain. Both are needed since the sweet often comes after the sadness or pain or bitter of bad days.
It's a cycle--because both are essential.
Embrace problems as a vital part of the cycle instead of seeing them as the enemy of your life.
Good days are temporary. Bad days become better in time.
Beginnings have endings. Endings have beginnings.
BITTER AND SWEET. That's what makes a good life!
Words of wisdom for us all...EACH SEASON IS ESSENTIAL !