Saturday, April 30, 2016


For about three weeks, we kept getting notices at work that there was going to be some kind of announcement April 18th about the contract between United and Continental flight attendant groups. Well true to form, the 18th came and went without any kind of update.  Was anyone surprised?  Nope!

Then this last Thursday word got around that the target date for a completed new contract is June 2017.  That means the tentative contract will have to be presented, voted on, ratified, and signed by every single flight attendant before it can become "law".  And, if the contract is voted down--as were the pilots' and machinists' first contract--it could be even later than next June.

I am pretty bummed, to say the least.  That means more than a year more for me to work--unless United decides to offer a buyout BEFORE the contract is ratified completely.  One more summer.  One more yearly requalification.  One more winter of bad weather on the ground and up in the air.  One more. One more....

Good thing I'm still on my feet.  I'll keep you posted if I hear about a "Get Out of Jail" card coming my way.  Today I'm not thinking the skies are all that friendly.